Duties of Team Captain

Team captains play a pivotal role in ensuring the competition runs smoothly, it is imperative that a team captain is organised.

Team captains are responsible for:

  • Communications between La Trobe Sport and the team
  • Communications with match officials
  • Communications with competition supervisors
  • Ensuring all players are registered and eligible.
  • Ensuring that all members have signed into each match.
  • Making payments and ensuring the team is up to date with payments

Team Captain FAQ's

Can we change team captains during the season?

Of course! Please email playsport@latrobe.edu.au to notify us of your team captain change.

In the event of an incident, what is the team captain responsible for?

The team captain will be the first initial point of contact between La Trobe Sport, and the team. This may include the team captain collecting witness statements for submission for an incident.
