
It is important that each team arrives early prior to each match to ensure that pre-game procedures are performed. Games will start on the scheduled time even if teams are not ready to go – so it is important teams are on schedule.

Sign In Process

Five (5) minutes prior to the allocated match, or after the previous match has commenced, the team captain is to sign all players in via the iPad at the score bench. It is the team captain, as well as the team’s responsibility to ensure this is done on behalf of the team.

Pre-game FAQ's

What time are we expected to arrive prior to our game?

For your team to be ready to hit the court on time, we recommend teams to arrive at least 5 – 10 minutes prior to the match commencement time. This will ensure the team captain has time to sign players in.

Are there late penalties if our team are running late?

Yes, late penalties apply for teams not ready to start the match at the designated time. This includes if a team is either absent, or unable to field a team due to not meeting the player or uniform requirements.

Our team is running late, how long can we be late before the game automatically becomes a forfeit?

  • Basketball competitions: 10 minutes
  • Futsal competitions: 10 minutes
  • Netball competitions: 9 minutes

What are the team captains’ duties prior to starting a game?

Team captains are responsible for signing in all team members to the match. This should occur 5 minutes prior to the game, or after the previous game on that court has concluded.

Our team hasn’t paid the match fee for the week, can we pay after the game?

No, all teams must ensure that match fees are paid prior to the match. It is the responsibility of the team to ensure this occurs. Whilst La Trobe Sport will endeavour to not start a match should any fees be outstanding, penalties do apply for teams who commence a match with outstanding fees.

Our uniform hasn't arrived, are there spares available at the stadium?
We have limited sets of uniforms available at the stadium in the first three weeks of competition only (grading). Please do not rely on these, as sets may have been fully used in previous games.
